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Community Involvement

Is Community Solar a Good Deal?

The U.S. Department of Energy defines “community solar as any solar project or purchasing program, within a geographic area, in which the benefits of a solar project flow to multiple customers such as individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and other groups. In most cases, customers are benefitting from energy generated by solar panels at an off-site array.” […]
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Join Solar

June 4, 2022 | 3 mins

Community Involvement

Does Community Solar Save Money?

As a no-cost middleman, the sun has numerous advantages as a free and abundant power source. Not only does going solar save you money over using traditional power sources; going solar offers other important perks and incentives. Community solar, which is a solar site dedicated to powering multiple subscribers, is an especially advantageous model for […]
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Join Solar

June 5, 2022 | 3 mins

Energy Savings

How Are Community Solar Farms Built?

While community solar farms are simple in concept and use, they require would-be owners to conduct thorough research into the legal requirements and regulations for building them. Owners—whether individuals or companies—must also develop a technical understanding of how solar panels work, and they must be ready to set aside a certain number of acres dedicated […]
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June 6, 2022 | 3 mins

Community Involvement

How Does Community Solar Billing Work?

If you are thinking about going solar, there are a number of factors worth considering. Community solar specifically has a number of advantages that make it a worthwhile choice for those who are thinking about going solar. Read below for more information on community solar’s benefits, including the advantages of community solar billing.     […]
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June 6, 2022 | 3 mins

Community Involvement

Are There Downsides to Community Solar?

There are numerous benefits to community, as well as a few downsides that you need to consider before signing on. To understand the downsides to community solar, it’s important first to have a basic understanding of how community solar works. Below is a brief explanation of how community solar works, and its benefits, followed by […]
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June 7, 2022 | 3 mins

Solar FAQ

Do Solar Panels Work During Winter?

Contrary to popular belief, solar panels are hard at work during the winter months. While they may not produce as much solar energy during winter as they do during summer, their level of solar production will be adequate for your home energy needs. Read below for a more detailed explanation of their productivity levels during […]
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June 7, 2022 | 3 mins

Energy Savings

How Community Solar Works 101

Community solar is a new approach to solar energy, and it is simple in concept and practice. If you are giving thought to going solar, community solar offers a number of distinct advantages that make it a good choice over private solar options. Follow below for an introduction to how community solar works. How a […]
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Join Solar

June 7, 2022 | 3 mins

Solar FAQ

How Does Community Solar Help Our Community Create Clean Energy?

Solar energy is a free, natural, and inexpensive renewable energy source. Individual property owners have been taking advantage of solar power’s cheaper costs for years. Now, community solar offers a step up in the fight against climate change and in the effort bring solar energy to a larger portion of the population. Read below to […]
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Join Solar

June 7, 2022 | 3 mins

Energy Savings

How Do I Enroll in Community Solar?

Community-solar programs are gaining in availability and popularity. Conventional solar means buying your own solar panels and having them installed on your property. Those solar panels function to meet the energy needs of only your home and come with significant upfront costs. Conversely, community solar is an off-site solar development that serves the needs of […]
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June 8, 2022 | 3 mins

Energy Savings

What is the Net Energy Billing Program in Maine?

Net Energy Billing (NEB) is a recent Maine state law. Under the law, energy customers may “offset their electricity bills using the output from small renewable generators.” Energy customers may either purchase their own solar panels or share in the output of solar panels owned by a third party. The law states that the solar […]
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June 8, 2022 | 3 mins

Solar FAQ

Why Go Solar in Minnesota?

Community solar is an arrangement by which a collection of solar panels (known as a solar garden or solar farm) provides electricity to more than one other property. The owners of these properties subscribe to the solar farm. The arrangement allows multiple parties to reap the benefits of solar—including lower electricity bills—without having to endure […]
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July 25, 2022 | 3 mins

Solar FAQ

How Does the US Rank in Solar Infrastructure?

The United States is experiencing a boom in solar energy production. Solar energy is more accessible and affordable in the US now than ever before. The price of solar panels has decreased 70 percent since 2014, and the price of solar-produced electricity is now on par with or cheaper than conventionally produced electricity. Over the […]
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July 26, 2022 | 3 mins

Community Involvement

Why Do People Decide to Go Solar?

Even though rooftop solar panels are getting cheaper, the cost of purchasing a solar-panel system for your home can still be prohibitively expensive. Because these dedicated solar-panel systems serve single homes, their purchase and maintenance costs are incurred solely by homeowners. Community-solar farms, however, allow renters and homeowners to reap the many benefits of solar […]
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Join Solar

July 26, 2022 | 3 mins

Solar FAQ

How Can I Tell a Reputable Solar Company from a Bad One?

Community solar is a growing market with a lot of customers shopping for providers. There are 120 million homes with power in the US, but up to 80 percent of them are unable to install rooftop solar for one reason or another. Currently, twenty-two states have passed legislation establishing community solar regulations. These regulations are […]
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Join Solar

July 27, 2022 | 3 mins

Solar FAQ

How Do Solar Panels Work Exactly?

What we know as sunlight is formally called solar radiation or electromagnetic radiation from the sun. The amount of sunlight that hits the Earth’s surface is enough to power the planet for an entire year. We all know that solar panels absorb light from the sun and convert it to electricity. But how exactly do […]
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Join Solar

July 27, 2022 | 3 mins

Solar FAQ

What Is Solar Plus Storage?

Switching to community solar offers many benefits. For one, community solar subscribers help produce and use clean, renewable energy on a large scale, reducing air pollution and water usage. Community solar is also helping to bring clean, renewable energy to more people of all backgrounds. Whereas rooftop solar installations are available only to homeowner with […]
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July 27, 2022 | 3 mins

Community Involvement

What Are Considerations for Farmers Who Want to Lease Their Land?

Community solar provides a net benefit to the community that it serves. But the possibility of a community-solar development depends on the willingness of farmers or other landowners to lease their properties for development. For a farmer with unused or underused land, deciding to lease that land to a community-solar company can be a good […]
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Join Solar

July 28, 2022 | 3 mins

Community Involvement

What Is the State of Community Solar in the US?

Community solar is a rapidly increasing trend in the United States, and it is more affordable and accessible now that it ever has been. The price of solar panels has decreased 70 percent since 2014, and the price of solar-produced electricity is now on par with or cheaper than conventionally produced electricity. While the US […]
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July 28, 2022 | 3 mins

Community Involvement

What Are Soft Costs and How Do They Affect the Price of Community Solar?

The cost of solar panels has drastically declined over the past decade, and experts predict that the cost of solar panels will drop another 34 percent by 2030. However, there are many other costs associated with community solar. Known as soft costs, these expenses, in short, are the non-hardware–related expenses associated with going solar and […]
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July 29, 2022 | 3 mins

Solar FAQ

What Steps Are Being Taken to Make Solar More Accessible?

There are many good reasons accessibility is a major concern in the world of solar. In part, this is because a lack of accessibility to solar hampers the broader goals of bringing clean, renewable energy to Americans and of making the country less dependent on fossil fuels. People who do not have access to solar […]
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July 29, 2022 | 3 mins


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Garden News

Community Solar Updates for Xcel Energy

Overview Welcome to the Xcel Energy community solar garden update blog. With your membership, you’re saying yes to renewable energy in your neighborhood. Our developers (Novel Energy Solutions) are in the process of constructing multiple gardens at once. Memberships like yours help us grow and bring more savings and support of clean, local energy to […]
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Abram Mertz

November 12, 2022 | 2 mins

Garden News

Community Solar Updates for Central Maine Power

Overview Welcome to the Central Maine Power community solar farm update blog. With your membership, you’re saying yes to renewable energy in your neighborhood. Our developers (Novel Energy Solutions) are in the process of constructing multiple gardens at once. Memberships like yours help us grow and bring more savings and support of clean, local energy […]
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Abram Mertz

November 12, 2022 | 3 mins

Garden News

Community Solar Updates for the Versant Bangor Hydro District

Overview Welcome to the Versant Power – Bangor Hydro District community solar farm update blog. With your membership, you’re saying yes to renewable energy in your neighborhood. Our developers (Novel Energy Solutions) are in the process of constructing multiple gardens at once. Memberships like yours help us grow and bring more savings and support of […]
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Abram Mertz

November 12, 2022 | 2 mins

Garden News

Community Solar Updates for the Versant Maine Public District

Overview Welcome to the Versant Power – Maine Public District community solar farm update blog. With your membership, you’re saying yes to renewable energy in your neighborhood. Our developers are in the process of constructing multiple gardens at once. Memberships like yours help us grow and bring more savings and support of clean, local energy […]
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Join Solar

October 20, 2022 | 3 mins


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Community Solar Updates for Xcel Energy

Abram Mertz

| November 12, 2022

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Challenges Facing Power Grids

Join Solar

| September 19, 2022